Campaign: Dominion of Adventure 25/05/22

Game Master:
Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Campaign
25th May 2022
Characters:Fayd – Half Orc Barbarian
Gunnar Orcsson – Half Orc Barbarian
Jaraziah Grimm – Human Cleric
Iivan – Drow Rogue
Balasar Aurumingis – Dragonborn Sorcerer
Luther – Half Elf Bard
Navarro – Half Elf Paladin
Tad Hemlock – Halfling Bard (Retired)
Tianzi – Half Elf Sorlock (Retired)

As Yocan slumbered the party’s lodgings were peaceful and still, mostly…. in the chamber shared by Luther and Fayd the sound of faint whimpers could be heard.
Fayd, sweating through his sheets and twitching in response to a nightmare. In his dream the young orc was back at his village, his father proudly watching
him as he moved through the village, the other orcs greeting him with smiles. He moved through the dreamscape, unable to escape the feeling deep in his bones that this wasn’t
a vision and he was truly home. Elated, he made his way to the village elder, finding him in discussion with the shaman – respectfully approaching the pair he began to ask about his trial. The sense of the dream seemed to change for Fayd, he felt a deep forboding overwhelm him, just as the sounds of the first screams reached his ears.

Swarming into the village from all sides poured a horde of the strange creatures he now knew to be rift demons, their mantis like claw blades flicking and slashing, ripping bloody slashes into his kinsfolk with impunity. Feeling the feral rage building within himself he surrendered himself to the beast and blood pounding he leapt into the fray, howling – and hearing other howls rise in answer to his call as others with his gift morphed and ran with him. The pack met the demonic horde and it was scaled claw against matted fur and tooth amoung the huts and firepits as the tribe fought for it’s very survival against this hellish assault. Fayd and his pack gorged themselves on violence yet all around they could hear the screams of the rest of the village, with a monumental effort of will Fayd managed to force his pack to a semblance of coordination and they formed a wall of bestial flesh to shield the remaining villagers from the nightmare creatures, the battle raged on but the orcs were slowly being forced back in to an ever tightening ring. Roaring his hate to the sky Fayd prepared to make his last stand over the torn body of his father, but his vision began to blur and as he felt his spirit being pulled away he heard a mocking voice in his mind “See you soon, pretty”.

Waking in a storm of rage and terror Fayd leapt from his bed, jaws snapping at unseen threats as he charged through the house crashing into walls and furnishings before bursting into the cold night air. Seeing a water trough through he plunged his lupine form into it’s icy water, thrashing water across the floor. Within the house Gunnar was up and scrambling to find the source of the commotion

“That way” muttered Iivan, rousing himself from the strange trance he seemed to use in place of sleep long enough to direct the wild eyed half orc to the door he’d seen the giant wolf man charge through moments earlier. As Gunnar ran off in pursuit, doors banged throughout the house as the others all checked on each other. Realising Navarro was missing Luther went to the Paladin’s room, only hear the buzzsaw snores of a man in deep sleep. Baffled at how he could sleep through such noise the young bard shook his head in disbelief before returning to his room. Outside Gunnar quickly found Fayd, back in his normal form and shivering from the adreneline backlash and cold of the water.

“You good?” he called out to the younger half orc, Fayd looked up eyes still hinting at a wildness but slowly came back to himself and nodded before waving the other orc away. Curious but happy that there seemed to be no immediate danger Gunnar returned his nod and, hefting his axe over his shoulder turned back to the house.

Slowly the party gathered for a breakfast prepared by their retainer Geoff, the mood was tense as they all wondered at their companion’s strange behaviour – well aside from Navarro who focused his attention on the bacon placed before him. Haltingly in response to their questions Fayd recounted his dream to them, shuddering and trying to ignore the lingering taste of demonic blood in his mouth….blood that he knew couldn’t really be there, could it?

Iivan was asking more questions about his dream and village, trying to reassure him that it was just a dream and sounding out the others as to what they should do next

“I’m telling you, I was THERE!” growled Fayd slamming his fist into the table, loosing patience with the questioning “my people were attacked, they need help….NOW!”

“How far to your home?” asked Gunnar around a mouthful of bread, cutting in quickly before the young barbarian could do anything rash

“A long way, weeks of travel to the North I think” replied Fayd, slumping back in despair at his helplessness.

“I’ll travel with you” Gunnar promised, looking at the others for support “I need to get out of this town before Billy or those fucking goblins find me again anyway”

“Wait, wait – just think about this for a moment” Iivan tried to reason with the two orcs again “we have a way to travel great distances instantly! We just need to figure out where the monolith network leads. We need more information before we go on a wild spiderling hunt” and he flashed an unspoken signal to Gunnar reminding him that they were committed to exploring the monoliths for Silwind and the Obsidian Order.

Gunnar grunted and drained his mug before pushing himself up from the table “Fayd?” he asked looking at the young orc questioningly

“He’s right” admitted Fayd grudgingly “We’ll need supplies for the journey anyway – and if these stones can get me home faster then I need to know”

Finishing his food Navarro stood and gesturing to the two barbarians and the drow “Come my friends, let us prepare ourselves” glancing at Luther “Squire, remain here and guard the others til we return” he commanded before turning away, failing to see the young bard gesture emphatically and extremely offensively at his back.

The four of them headed into town, Grimm accompanied them as he needed to speak to the blacksmith about his damaged armour. Entering Yocan’s main square they heard a whistle, looking over they saw Silwind nonchalantly leaning on a crate, beckoning them over he led them into his shop and out through a rear door into a secluded courtyard. Fayd felt the cold eyes of unseen watchers on his back as he followed the others inside, Silwind was clearly being protected. Silwind led them to a table, a woman he introduced as Sandra served them coffee from an ornate fluted pot, as the smell his his nose Navarro seemed to snap out of his usual self obsession and glanced questioningly at the simple merchant with a profound interest.

“You have good taste in coffee good sir” the knight announced before taking a sip “it may not be Vilmian, but it’s still a fine brew – where did you come by it?” saluting Silwind with his cup

The Obsidian agent smiled back “I am a merchant sir knight, it’s my business to find such things…for the right price” turning to Iivan and Gunnar he asked how things were progressing “with my monolith”. Navarro looked up puzzled at that claim. his senses heightened by the strong coffee he also noticed more flashing hand signals pass between Iivan and Gunnar “what is all this?” he asked waving his hands in a mocking impression of their signals. Ignoring his question the others began discussing the monoliths and Iivan explained to Silwind his theories about what he dubbed the Nearith Transport Network and how they had been able to power up monoliths with magic spells and then use the monolith to teleport across vast distances in and instant. In response Silwind provided them with a number of spell scrolls to aid their exploration of the network and asked that they report back to him anything they found at the old royal graveyard, Ilvan and Gunnar agreed and after securing a small supply of his coffee for Navarro they left to purchase supplies for their upcoming journey.

However, shortly after leaving Silwind the group were met by guards bearing the emblem of Helm who escorted them to join Father Lucius for a second breakfast, with Navarro always happy to acede to the church’s wishes and the others open to the idea of free food they agreed to see the senior churchman. In the meeting that followed the group shared some of their knowledge of the Nearith Transport Network and the location of other Nearith ruins they’d discovered. In turn Father Lucius was able to shed considerable light on their current circumstances, explaining that for some 600 years the church had been waging a secret war against a group called the Disciples of the Dragin. Corrupt worshippers of Tal who were working to recover the four legendary stones and then to use them to allow Tal to return to the world. The group were known for wearing “scar masks”, terrifying visages to disguise their identity. While Father Lucius’ coffee wasn’t of the same quality of Silwinds the party began to appreciate the potential power of the church as he was able to help Gunnar locate the actual location marked on the map he’d stolen from Silvereye as well as assuring Fayd that he would ensure a delegation was dispatched to check on his village and family – the priest being particularly interested in the half orc’s strange dreams. After delivering their news and securing promise of payment for the work they had already undertaken unwittingly to further the church’s aims Father Lucius requested that should they recover any of the stones that they should return them to Yocan for protection, something Iivan in particular was unhappy with, fearing that by gathering the stones in one place they might be playing into the Disciples of Tal’s hands. Despite this the churchman seemed confident that he could gather sufficient forces to defend the stones against any attack and allow them to study the ords in safety.

Taking their leave of the priest they left to gather supplies, splitting up the group to make better time, Gunnar deciding that a sack of apples would be the perfect motivation for Thunder (their self professed retired war horse) to be his steed on the coming journey. The barbarian was surprised to learn how cheap the fruit was in town, thinking back to the time he’d bought some on the road at a scandalous mark up. Iivan needed to procure more ammunition for his strange firearms and Navarro wanted to discuss the availability of barding for his new horse. Fayd meanwhile was still listless after his strange dream and wandered off on his own in an attempt to clear his head.

Alone in an alley Fayd felt eyes on him, slowing his pace to better hear the footsteps of anyone following him he couldn’t discern any threat, until a heavy net enveloped him from above.

“‘Ullo Dogboy” came a wicked goblin voice from above him “time for us to have a little chat”

Struggling to move under the weight of the net Fayd struggled to free himself, he could just see a small figure clamber down and approach him, unsheathing a thin stilleto blade. Fayd redoubled his efforts but was unable to prevent goblin from stabbing him through the ropes. Blind with rage and pain he could feel the change coming, he roared in anger, the sound changing to a howl as he transformed into his wolf form. The goblin yelped in fear and began backing away from him as he began to tear and chew his way out of the net. The other goblin, also screeching in terror was lowering a rope for his one eared comrade. Rushing forward still draped in the remains of the net Fayd leapt for the frantically climbing goblin, his jaws snapping shut on thin air mere inches from it’s trailing foot.

“Not today fido!” giggled mono-ear, capering on a rooftop looking down at the bestial Fayd before turning and scampering away across the rooftops. His fury unbridled and blood lust rising Fayd looked wildly for a way to regain control of himself before anyone witnessed his changed form. Spotting a chicken coop across the alley his eyes locked on his new prey, tearing into the coop and devouring the entire flock in a tumult of blood and feathers. Panting he returned to his usual form, smeared with gore and feathers and picking shards of bones and lumps of gristle from his teeth.

“and what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” asked a gruff voice behind him

Fearing the worst Fayd turned slowly to see a group of town guards had appeared in the alley while he was devouring the chickens and were levelling their weapons at him

“He’s a bloody looney Sarge, look at these bloody chickens!” exclaimed one of the guards

“Uh, I have money – I’ll pay for the damages” the young half orc stammered, reaching for his coin pouch.

Smiling grimly the sergeant turned to his companion “See, he’s not a looney – he’s got money…..that just makes him eccentric” taking the proffered coins from Fayd the sergeant decided that the amount was sufficient to interfere with his memory and he bade Fayd a good day and sent him on his way. Rejoiing the others Fayd explained the events which had just transpired and urged that they hurry to leave town before further trouble manifested itself, a sentiment that Gunnar was in full agreement with knowing that the longer he remained in Yocan the greater the chance that the Redcrow or Big Billy might take a more painful interest in his recent activities.

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