Game Master: System: Date: | Ken Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Campaign 16th June 2022 |
Characters: | Fayd – Half Orc Barbarian Gunnar Orcsson – Half Orc Barbarian Jaraziah Grimm – Human Cleric Iivan – Drow Rogue Balasar Aurumingis – Dragonborn Sorcerer Luther – Half Elf Bard Navarro – Half Elf Paladin Tad Hemlock – Halfling Bard (Retired) Tianzi – Half Elf Sorlock (Retired) |

The going was easy as Grimm steered the creaking cart along behind Gunnar, Iivan having gone on ahead to try and locate the graveyard. Balasar was engrossed in his studies while Luther dozed on the wagon bed behind.
“Squire, give us a song” called Navarro as he trotted past on his new steed, Ken. Grudgingly Luther complied and the day passed uneventfully enough, the going got a little harder as they progressed, eventually the trees growing too low and thick that they were forced to abandon the wagon, leaving Grimm on guard as the others pressed ahead on foot.
With Iivan still not returned from his scouting foray Gunnar offered to scout the path ahead. Dismounting and leaving Thunder with Grimm and the cart the burly orc gestured to Navarro to hang back and remain silent. The Paladin nodded and turned back to the others and relayed the instruction to the others.
Creeping forward hugging the edge of the path Gunnar noticed that when he tried to push deeper into the press of vegetation the old growth forest seemed to push back and block his path. Confused he abandoned his attempt to find better cover and slunk forward as best he could, ahead he could make out two tall vaguely elvish looking hooded figures in a clearing. He strained his ears but the rustle of leaves and distance meant he couldn’t make out what they were saying, but they didn’t appear to be dressed like the other followers of the Stag Lord they’d encountered previously so he decided to head back to the group and work out how best to approach this potential encounter. After a brief discussion, and some odd looks when the barbarian tried to explain the strangeness he’d witnessed from the trees Luther suprised everyone by stepping forward to go and speak with these strangers and find out what they were doing in the ruined graveyard. Transforming himself into a young elven maiden he approached the strangers feigning to be lost and searching for his parents. However, as the two figures turned, he saw beneath their hoods that they were not Elves at all but some strange mutation with pale grey skin and glowing purple eyes. The closest of the pair raised his hand, magic energy crackling aroud it to strike down the interloper.
“Uh no, wait!” screamed Luther as he frantically cast a spell to try and calm his two attackers, his spell failed but the lithe half elf was able to sprint away from the two and back to the percieved safety of his allies. Seeing Luther fleeing the others quickly drew weapons and rushed to his aid, Balasar firing blasts of energy at one even as Navarro fired his crossbow at the other. Meanwhile the two half orcs ran forward, Fayd bounding forward while Gunnar drew his new blade and followed the younger orc. In their haste no one noticed one of the spells being fired at them by the tall strangers slam into Luther, his eyes immediately glazing over in a purple hue. When the bard blasted the group with one of his most powerful spells their shocked calls of anger were lost on the dominated half elf
“Squire! control yourself and aim your magic for Helm’s sake” called out the beleagured Navarro as he and the two barbarians were assailed by the bard’s magical sonic blast. Ears ringing, Gunnar eyed the closest of their opponents and began to charge forward, the blade in his hand flared breifly and the orc vanished – only to reappear much closer to his target with a somewhat puzzled look on his face. Another volley of magical projectiles flew from Balasar’s hand unerringly past Fayd and slammed into the tall figure ahead just as Gunnar skidded to a halt behind it. The orc kissed his new blade before throwing his full weight behind the blade as he slashed viciously at the exposed back of his enemy. Fayd, howling now in his wolf form raced in and began slashing at the creature while Luther, returning to his senses tried to heal the damage he’d just inflicted on his companions.
“What in Helm’s name?” gasped Navarro witnessing Fayd’s chance for the first time, but mistaking it for another form of magical attack from the two warriors facing them. Something which appeared to be true as Fayd turned, eyes flaring purple as he turned on the Paladin. Gunnar and Balasar brought down the first of their foes between them, allowing Navarro to duck past Fayd’s wild attacks and close the distance on the remaining creature, only to be blasted from behind by a purple eyed Balasar. The surviving creature blasted Gunnar with a tumultuous blast of purple energy, smashing the barbarian to the floor blood flowing from numerous mortal wounds. Somehow though the raging half orc spat blood and staggered back to his feet unsteadily.
Seeing the grave danger his troops faced Navarro weighed his options, calling on Helm for aid the confused and battered Paladin staggered forward and was finally able to dispatch their last remaining foe with his trusty spear. Turning to Fayd he began exhorting the evil spirit to release his friend, the others sharing confused and amused glances as Fayd stood sheepishly enduring Navarro’s well meaning antics.
“The power of Helm compels you!” cried the Paladin again brandishing a symbol of helm at the hulking werewolf before him, Fayd finally managing to regain enough control to morph back into his normal form, to a round of sarcastic applause from Luther….the sarcasm flying directly past Navarro’s oblivious head as usual.
“Uh, thanks Navarro” grunted Fayd trying to play along with the Paladin’s delusion and ignoring the grins and muffled sniggering of the others.
“Fear not, no foul shapeshifting evil can prevail against the might of Helm my friend” bragged Navarro, still convinced he had saved his companion from some strange form of lycanthropy. Before anyone could correct him a faint cry carried through the trees to them.
“Hark, another poor soul needs our aid” cried Navarro rushing deeper into the woods followed by Fayd.
Luther helped Gunnar limp after them with considerably less enthusiasm. Balasar hung back, eyeing the trees pressing in around the edge of the clearing with a measuring gaze. The others followed the rough path deeper, passing moss covered headstones until they found a large mausoleum with a wounded humam collapsed on the steps leading to a stone archway. Luther, left Gunnar and rushed forward to heal the wounded man – the big half orc stood swaying for a moment before spotting a patch of ground that looked slightly softer than the rest and slumped down to rest. When questioned the wounded man revealed that he worked for the wanted criminal Starling, and that she was in the crypt he was slumped outside. Explaining that he and two of his fellows had been attacked by an ogre accompanied by two huge flaming dogs, he claimed that he wouldn’t hinder or betray the party as long as he didn’t have to go into the crypt.
“We can’t go rushing in there” argued Fayd, gesturing at their injuries “why don’t we just cut down some of these trees and smoke them out?”
“The Stag Lord is there” stated Navarro pointing to the crypt “we must not let him escape” he continued. Gunnar hobbled over and tried to get a description of the ogre from the distressed Zach, satisfied that this creature wasn’t Big Billy or Captain Silvereye the injured barbarian agreed to explore the crypt but only after a rest, and added his voice to Fayd’s in resting here and burning out those trapped underground. Luther meanwhile seemed to have agitated the wounded Zach further, with the man now wide eyed with fear and calling for mercy
“Stand aside Squire!” commanded Navarro, before crouching down by the injured man and asking as gently as he was able “now, tell me where the bad Bard touched you” he said, prompting yet more panicked babbling from Zach.
Meanwhile Balasar had decided to try and burn one of the trees to ascertain whether the young wild orc’s plan might work, launching a gout of flame at the nearest trunk he reeled back as the tree began moving as the fire licked at it’s bark. Desperately fending off the clasping vines that shot out from the undergrowth and began dragging him deeper into the foliage and muffling his cries for help. Eyes widely darting as more and more vines lashed round his limbs the scorcerer paused for a moment before vanishing in a flash of magic, reappearing only a few feet away but free of the ensaring vines. Seeing other trees begin to slowly shift around the clearing the Dragonborn picked himself up and dashed down the path his companions had taken. Pounding round a turn in the path Balasar sprinted across the clearing and his confused companions
“The hairy orc was right” he cried dashing for the mausoleum “these trees are alive!” only skidding to a halt once he’d found a place to hide within the stone building out of sight of the nearest trees. The others, looked at the surrounding forest but saw nothing out of place and continued planning their approach to tackling whatever might be waiting for them below ground now that it seemed Fayd’s plan wasn’t likely to work. After finally deciding that they would explore the crypt after they’d taken a rest the group gathered at the entrance and took turns resting, all apart from Gunnar who immediately fell into a deep sleep and Balasar who, seemingly terrified by his encounter with the trees kept mumbling about how this was his new home now and they’d need to find another exit from the tomb if he was ever to get back to Yukon.
Refreshed after their rest Navarro led the way down the worn stone steps, Gunnar again gently leading Balasar into the pitch black to prevent the scorcerer getting lost or falling on the narrow steps. The spiral stairs descended down before emerging into a stone walled chamber wreathed in darkness, not pausing or listening to the other’s pleas for caution and stealth Navarro began striding through the catacombs, blasting a challenge from his horn and calling out for the Stag Lord to meet him in combat. The others followed the bold knight, Fayd and Gunnar shepherding Balasar while Luther brought up the rear. After running into several collapsed tunnels they entered what seemed to be an old office or archive, the thick dust seemingly undisturbed for years, yet one wall seemed to collapse into a much older passageway.
“Unless I’m wrong, and I am never wrong the Stag Lord lies this way” declared Navarro pushing past the dusty books and making for the new passageway. Following the determined Paladin further into the complex the party entered a larger rough hewn chamber, the only light the eldritch flames emanating from a pair of giant war hounds flanking the massive bulk of an ogre…