Game Master: System: Date: | Ken Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Campaign 30th June 2022 |
Characters: | Fayd – Half Orc Barbarian Gunnar Orcsson – Half Orc Barbarian Jaraziah Grimm – Human Cleric Iivan – Drow Rogue Balasar Aurumingis – Dragonborn Sorcerer Luther – Half Elf Bard Navarro – Half Elf Paladin Tad Hemlock – Halfling Bard (Retired) Tianzi – Half Elf Sorlock (Retired) |

Facing off against the huge ogre and his two chained hellhounds the party watched as Navarro strode forward and planted himself infront of the ogre and bracing himself to meet the creatures charge. Fayd and Gunnar hurried to join him, Gunnar hurling a hand axe that flew wide of it’s mark before moving to flank the ogre. The huge beastial humanoid swung a club the size of a small tree and bludgeoned Navarro to his knees before the brutish hounds belched flames, engulfing several of the party and severely wounding both Fayd and Navarro. Rising up through the lingering flame and smoke Navarro thrust his spear forward and called on Helm for aid, divine power blasting through the weapon and into the orge, sending the beast reeling back. A sharp crack announced Iivan’s arrival, his pin point shot catching the ogre and blasting out the back of it’s skull, showering Gunnar with gobbets of flesh and bone as the barbarian ran in to attack the beast from the rear. Seeing his target crash to the floor dead he wiped the gore from his eyes and stabbed down at one of the dogs, his new blade severing the creatures spine with a sickening crunch before the blade flared and the Gunnar vanished, reappearing by the cave wall visibly confused as to how he got there. As the rest of the party pushed forward Iivan sighted down his gun and calmly dispatched the other hound, the Drow’s skill allowing him to place his shot through the press of his companions’ bodies surrounding it.
“Stag Lord…you’re next” cried Navarro, his shout echoing round the chamber as he began to march forward once more, Fayd groaned and reluctantly hauled himself to his feet and followed despite needing time to recover and tend his wounds, pausing only to grab the fallen ogre’s massive club while the others quickly and efficiently searched the bodies for any loot or clues to the ogre’s identity and alliegence.
“Squire, play us a battle hymn so our foes may know death is coming for them” commanded Navarro, prompting another argument with his rebellious squire about the lack of pay for Luther’s talents. Still slightly confused, Gunnar began to hum a few bars of a sea shanty before Grimm surprised the party by raising his voice in song praising Helm which seemed to please Navarro. Unseen in the dim light Iivan rolled his eyes in disgust at his comrade’s inability to do anything quietly, but held his tongue lest his wise counsel prompt yet more noise….these surface dwellers were like yapping puppies unable to contain themselves even in times of danger. The tunnel they were following began to open out, flickering torches held in rusted iron brackets on the stone walls proided enough light that even Balasar and Grimm could see well enough that they no longer needed one of their fellows to lead them. Sensing his quarry must be close Navarro hurried ahead, turning a corner and stepping into a large square room. He quickly surveyed the scene noting a phalanx of archers and several other well armed and armoured figures before his eyes locked onto one hulking figure seated on a makeshift wooden throne, it’s headress sporting two mighty antlers.
“Stag Lord! My name is Sir Navarro Trovatero de Vimaa, you killed the ferryman…prepare to die!” exclaimed the vengeful paladin pushing towards the seated figure before vanishing in a flash of arcane energy. Seeing the knight disappear after issuing his challenge gave the others pause, Gunnar crept forward to peer round the corner to find out what they might be facing while Fayd hefted his club and prepared to ambush anything that came round the corner. Seeing the figures in the chamber ready their weapons the half orc called out, daring them to catch him and ducked back to join Fayd.
“Navarro’s gone” he called out to his companions before hauling his sword free of it’s scabbard and hefting his shield to meet whatever foe emerged from the chamber in pursuit. Luther quietly transformed himself into a facsimile of the paladin and edged forward. The two half orcs tensed as the sound of approaching footsteps drew near, nodding to each other they swung their weapons together hoping to cut down what ever was approaching, but their blows failed to connect properly and the misshapen humanoid that appeared sprung to attack the pair with inhuman speed, hacking at Gunnar and opening several slashing wounds on the orc’s torso. Following the hunched bezerker were a pair of the strange elf like beings similar to those they’d encountered in the woods above, the first lashed out at Fayd ripping through skin and sinew while the other turned his masked face to the others – a wave of pure terror emenated from it, chilling the souls of Luther and Balasar and forcing the pair into a stumbling retreat.
Gunnar, reeling from his wounds and seeing his companions falling or fleeing around him hesitated and began to edge backwards when Navarro reappeared still bellowing a challenge. After quickly assessing the situation the knight piled into the rear of the three figures attacking the barbarians taking them by surprise but failing to cut his way through to the rest of the party. A desperate melee ensued as the party rallied to the beleaguard warriors aid, even with Grimm channeling is divine powers to heal they barely held the line. Iivan sniped from the rear while Balasar and Luther pressed forward bravely to blast the combatants with magic, Luther taking the frenzied mutant out of the fight with a spell that left the mindless combatant giggling helplessly on the floor. Eventually this combined assault overwhelmed their foes and the corridor was theirs again, albeit slick with the mingled blood of both sides. Elated at their success Luther broke into song, praising the fighting prowess of Navarro and the might of Helm – a surprising turn of events that was lent an air of the surreal given that the bard was currently disguised as a copy of the paladin himself.
Battered but unbroken and buoyed by his squire’s unexpected support, Navarro refused to pause in his quest and seeing the path to the Stag lord opening he rushed back to face their remaining foes. The party again heard his footfalls and challenge echo then suddenly stop. Gunnar rushed forward and saw that once again the paladin had vanished into thin air, crashing a blow at a robed figure ahead of him he frantically searched for some way to turn the battle in their favour but the Stag Lord seemed unfazed and was in discussion with a lithe female figure who appeared to wield weapons similar to Iivan’s. As well as the figure he was trading blows with he saw two ranks of archers formed up and ready under the command of another cloaked warrior. Grimm and the others poured out of the doorway behind him, the cleric conjouring a magical weapon to strike the robed figure, crushing him to the floor with the power of Helm. Unfortunately with their ally no longer blocking their aim the ranked archers released their arrows, peppering Gunnar and sending him bleeding and senseless to the stone floor.
Navarro reappeared and charged the Stag Lord, halting a few paces from he hulking figure and raising a finger the battered warrior uttered an oath of vengence before the two met with a crash of weapons. The Stag Lord had the measure of Navarro but the paladin refused to succumb to his wounds and pressed his attack, the pair circling each other and trading massive blows relentlessly before the Stag Lord finally penetrated his defences and cut him down. Balasar took down one of the archers with a volley of magical bolts as Iivan fired at the female figure now heading for an exit on the far side of the chamber, his shots dinging off the stone beside her head and showering her with chips of stone. Turning to face him across the melee she smiled and blew him a kiss before returning fire, catching the drow and thudding him back with blood seeping from a wound. Luther, strode into the chamber, but to the combatants it must have seemed that another Navarro had entered the fray, calling out to the Stag Lord and his men
“You can’t keep me down, the power of Helm will destroy you all” he cried, before blasting the remaining archers with a cacophany of magical sound, killing them all in ear splitting agony. Seemingly shocked at this himself no one heard him mutter an oath under his breath as he surveyed the carnage he’d just caused. Grimm hurried forward and used his powers to heal Gunnar and bring Navarro back to the fight. The knight’s eyes flicking open, and seeing the looming figure of the Stag Lord over him he desperately brought up his spear to block another attack.
“Hello” he grunted weakly “My name is Sir Navarro Trovatero de Vimaa” coughing blood he struggled back to his knees “You killed the ferryman” his voice gaining strength and conviction as he pushed himself to his feet “Prepare to die!” and on that last word he thrust forward with his spear, channeling holy fire through it and pouring his hatred and venegance into the Stag Lord and staggering him back with the fury of his assault. Swaying on his feet the paladin staggered forward but the Stag Lord was still a powerful fighter and again beat the proud Vilmian to the ground, stepping forward he raised an armoured boot to crush Navarro’s skull into the stone floor.
Fayd was howling and slashing at the remaining henchman, the pair locked in an epic combat, emerging silently from the shadows Iivan brought up his gun and blew the man’s head off, showering the still badly wounded werewolf in steaming blood and viscera. Luther and the woman exchanged fire as she retreated from the chamber, her bullets slamming into the bard before lightening crackled across his chest wracking him with pain, Iivan looked on his eyes lit with avarice. Gunnnar, still barely clinging to life fumbled at his chest, pulling free a potion and ripping the stopper off with his tusks before downing the contents, the magical liquid giving him the strength to get unsteadily to his feet. Grimm again invoked Helm’s power to heal the seemingly doomed champion of Helm being ground down under the Stag Lord’s boot. Roaring now, Navarro threw the Stag Lord back and leapt to his feet before he began his cant again “Hello, My name is Sir Navarro Trovatero de Vimaa, you killed the ferryman…prepare to die!” punctuating each word with another blow at the Stag Lord, his weapon clashing against the Stag Lord’s armour.
The Stag Lord for the first time appeared concerned and drove the Paladin back with another flurry of blows before backing away towards the tunnel to make his escape. Balasar ran forward to block him, the sorcerer suddenly being struck by a strangely feminine hint to their quarry’s gait. Peering down the dark passageway the other figure had escaped down, Luther thought he saw movement and loosed a bolt from his crossbow – the loud crack and whine of bullets flying past his ears answer enough that the woman was still very much in the fight after all. Having closed the distance with his target Balasar channelled his last arcane power into a wave of flame that issued from his raised hands, engulfing the Stag Lord in a whirling firestorm and halting his retreat. Sensing the tide had finally turned the party closed in to support Balasar, Fayd and Iivan moving swiftly forwards while Grimm aided Navarro as he limped gamely onward. Gunnar, still guzzling potions as he closed the distance while Luther pressed in as well hefting his weapon – but Balasar drew in a mighty breath, rib cage heaving with the effort. His flaming exhalation errupted over the Stag Lord, flames licking around the figure and tendrils of flame finding any chinks in his armour to roast the flesh within. Thrashing limbs and an unholy keening screech filled the air as the Stag Lord’s armour appeared to warp and shrink, the crunch of bones clearly audible as the metal crushed down on the Stag Lord’s body. Stepping hurridly back Balasar watched wide eyed as the figure before him was sucked into itself in horrific spasmodic jerks and twitching, dropping to the floor the scorched and smouldering remans continued to twitch long after all life must surely have fled.