Game Master: System: Date: | Ken Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Campaign 21st September 2023 |
Characters: | Fayd – Half Orc Barbarian (Deceased) Gunnar Orcsson – Half Orc Barbarian/Fighter Jaraziah Grimm – Human Cleric (On Hiatus) Iivan – Drow Rogue/Fighter Balasar Aurumingis – Dragonborn Sorcerer (On Hiatus) Luther Merton – Half Elf Bard/Warlock (On Hiatus) Navarro Trovatero de Vimaa – Half Elf Paladin Hamlet Wolffort- Half Elf Warlock Dorian Hammerbeard – Dwarven Cleric Sylas (nee “Tourist”/”Nick”) – Human Fighter Gregg the Guide – Human Druid Tad Hemlock – Halfling Bard (Retired) Tianzi – Half Elf Sorlock (Retired) Yorhorn – Half Elf Paladin (Retired) |
After finishing their breakfast and gathering their supplies the Renegades made plans for their next move, eventually deciding to try and travel by monolith to the coastal city of Michoatocan and see if they could find a ship which could take them into the Sea of Chaos in search of the Nearith structures shown on Gunnar’s stolen treasure map. Leaving the Lewd Bard Iivan and Dorian couldn’t help but notice a Dwarf in House Katzoulus livery watching them unobtrusively from across the square.
“We’re being watched” hissed Iivan to the others, while Dorian gave the scout a cheerful grin and wave
“And?” asked Navarro
“…aaaand maybe when we use this monolith we don’t want people to know where we’re headed?” replied the Drow sarcastically
“Hmm, a good point. What do you suggest?” asked Navarro
“Well, I can shield us from prying eyes as we leave” offered Iivan, and at Navarro’s nod he summoned a magical darkness around the monolith which engulfed the Renegades
Dorian then fired up the monolith with a spell and they examined the symbols which illuminated. While Iivan, Dorian and Gregg consulted maps and debated which of the runes might take them to the coast Gunnar watched the glowing runes with interest
“That one looks a bit like a wave” he suggested, pointing to one of the sigils which in reality bore only a very passing resemblance to a wave
Bored by the delay Navarro leapt on this and triggered the monolith’s mechanism, much to the annoyance of Dorian and Iivan and the Renegades were pulled into the Nearith Travel Network and vanished from sight.
This time nothing seemed to interfere with their progress and they emerged into dimly lit small square, laundry hung from lines strung between the walls of the buildings that surrounded this monolith. Emerging back into reality Navarro spotted a small figure, clearly keeping watch on the monolith spring to their feet and dash for an alleyway. Summoning Rocinate the paladin leapt onto his mighty steed, hauling the reigns and kicking spurs back and rowelling the horse to pursue the man. As man and horse clattered across the ground Navarro’s excited whoops were muffled as he was dragged through the hanging laundry, unable to see he reluctantly bought Rocinte to a halt while he tore the tattered remains of bedding and clothes from his face and body, looking around the figure was long gone and with a quiet curse he clambered down from his saddle and returned to the others.
After a brief pause to plan their next move it was decided that with their arrival now known, and that Michoatocan was known to be held by Big Billy and his cronies, that they should make all haste to the sea in search of the Bliss. The Renegades looked to Gunnar to lead the way, the half orc having no idea where they were or which direction to head decided that heading downhill might lead them to the coast and set off through the darkened streets almost randomly. Surprisingly (at least to Gunnar) they arrived at the docks in short order, finding most of the shops barred for the night, soon after they were hailed by a squad of town militia who, on seeing their weapons suggested politely that they should seek a room at a local inn for the night and return the next day…their weapons and general demeanour indicating that this suggestion might become more forceful if refused.
With no real alternatives the Renegades followed the guard’s directions and found themselves as a large inn nearer the centre of town, on their way they noted a second monolith standing in what must be the town’s main square. Iivan again began to feel they were being watched and suggested they find shelter rather than try and investigate further, so they headed into the tavern the guards had recommended, Iivan noticed as they entered the Half Full Chalice that the guards they had encountered on the docks had clearly been following them to ensure they did indeed reach their stated destination and cause no trouble.
Inside the Half Full Chalice they were welcomed by a Drow named Vibia who was the proprietor, Gunnar and Navarro paying for some rare Vilmean Grappa and a strong Rum while the others settled for what turned out to be fine Dwarven Ale. Before heading to their rooms Gregg asked that they join him in the morning for a surprise before heading out into the city, prompting a lot of predictably lewd jokes at the Druid’s expense.
In the morning they nervously gathered in Gregg’s chamber only to learn that the Druid was offering to use his magic to grant them the ability to breathe underwater, a potentially welcome boon given their proximity to the sea. After performing the ritual they headed down for breakfast, eventually selling their saddle horses to Vibia for a small loss.
“Are we looking to deal with Billy?” whispered Iivan to Gunnar as they ate
“I’d rather avoid fighting him on his home turf, but if we can find a way to get the drop on him then it’d be a weight off my mind knowing he was dead” answered the barbarian thoughtfully his mind drifting back to Gregg’s vision dream that had shown the Ogre crimelord killing Gunnar.
Heading out to the docks again they were directed to the Harbour Masters’ “office”, a ramshackle wooden hut nestled between two warehouses on the docks. There they learned that the Bliss was indeed in port, but that she was unable to leave until she’d cleared her debts, the princely sum of 50,000 gold pieces, more than enough to buy a new ship outright. Following the Harbour Master’s directions they walked along the docks until they came in sight of the Bliss, moored alongside two other ships – one clearly manned by the Legion which seemed to be unloading captured pirates. Gunnar’s hopes that they could simply sail out of the harbour were soon dashed as they noticed the Bliss was tethered to the dock wall by 3 mighty iron chains, after inspecting them Dorian announced that these were also clearly infused with a powerful magic and would be hard to break.
Spotting Zach, an impressive female elf and the wife of the Bliss’ Captain on deck, Gunnar called out a greeting and they walked the gangplank from the docks to board the ship. They were greeted warmly by Zach and a halfling who was introduced as Captain Neil. After the introductions were done with Neil asked them what their business was
“We’re hoping to hire you and the Bliss for a voyage” explained Gunnar
“Where are you heading?” asked Zach shrewdly
“The Sea of Chaos” answered the barbarian
“Are you fucking mad?” she snapped in reply
“No, but I was hoping you two might be” he answered with a grin, the Bliss and her Captain were famed amongst seafarers for being the only ship foolhardy enough to brave the Seas of Chaos.
“Ha, I’d love to mate but we can’t sail anywhere at the moment” replied Captain Neil slapping his hands on one of the chains anchoring them in place
“How do we get rid of them?” asked Gunnar nodding to the chains
“Well, we either pay the gold or we’re cursed to remain here” answered Neil grimly
“How did you run up such a massive debt?” asked Gunnar
“We owe no debt!” cut in Zach “it’s all a scam, we were moving some cargo for a client but it was lost, now they want us to pay for the cargo AND recompense them for what they thinks the cargo would have sold for” she finished bitterly
“Let me guess, this client of yours wouldn’t happen to be Big Billy would it?” asked Iivan sighing resignedly
“Don’t even say his name here” she hushed him, spitting over the gunwale as if to ward off bad luck
“Yes, best not to” added Neil eyeing them “why don’t we head to the inn and we can discuss….him… in more privacy?” he suggested
The Renegades agreed and they left the ship under the guard of Sid, a magical construct of some kind that seemed to serve as one of the Bliss’ crew.
Over some companionable drinks the Renegades learned that Billy was indeed the source of the “debt” and he’d paid powerful wizards to trap the ship in Michoatocan until he deemed the debt paid. Dorian had been thinking on the problem and suggested that they wait for the morning when they could use Helm’s power to remove the curse and free the Bliss from the chains. Iivan rolled his eyes and muttered darkly that the only way out was going to be through Billy, and so they might as well go and kill him now. Gregg suggested that they might be able to find the wizards responsible for the magic and pursuade them to break the spell, while Gunnar suggested that he had a forged copy of the map which Luther had fashioned for him some time ago, with that they might find a way to barter the forgery for the Bliss’ release, though again Iivan snorted at that plan as being just another way to commit suicide by Ogre crimelord.
Before they could settle on a plan however they heard the sounds of commotion and screaming from outside, rushing out of the inn they saw several large land sharks marauding along the docks smashing cargo and devouring bystanders who were too slow to get away from them. Together the Renegades charged out to try and stop the rampaging beasts and were able to slaighter the creatures in short order, the dockside business quickly resuming as if nothing had happened mere minutes after the battle had ended. A squawking drew Gunnar’s attention to a dockside peddlar, and the half orc grinned and purchased a pair of large colourful parrots from the merchant, naming them Thunder and Lightening on impulse and proudly showing them off to the others as they clung to his broad shoulders.
They say a picture paints a thousand words, and with this in mind and a lack of time to do this session more justice…. here, behold the magnificent terrain set up Ken (our DM) prepared for our session this evening.