Campaign: Dominion of Adventure 2/3/2023

Game Master:
Dungeons & Dragons 5e Homebrew Campaign
9th February 2023
Characters:Fayd – Half Orc Barbarian (Deceased)
Gunnar Orcsson – Half Orc Barbarian
Jaraziah Grimm – Human Cleric (On Hiatus)
Iivan – Drow Rogue/Fighter
Balasar Aurumingis – Dragonborn Sorcerer
Luther Merton – Half Elf Bard
Navarro Trovatero de Vimaa – Half Elf Paladin
Hamlet Wolffort- Half Elf Warlock
Dorian Hammerbeard – Dwarven Cleric
“Tourist”/Nick-Human Fighter
Gregg the Guide – Human Druid
Tad Hemlock – Halfling Bard (Retired)
Tianzi – Half Elf Sorlock (Retired)
Yorhorn – Half Elf Paladin (Retired)
Written by “Nick”

How did I get here?

You might be wondering “why the hell is he riding a horse with a maniac?” Well, one could say I was befriending this fool, others might say it’s a survival instinct to hide behind the strongest and loudest meat shield of the group. One thing is certain. He’s nuts. Beyond all reason, this foolish cave man dashed straight towards the other end of this massive room filled with rift demons and powered armours that were clashing in the middle. Of course he would get hit. The problem is, his horse is fast and I’m the one withe the exposed back. The floor is cold and hard, and I’m surrounded.

“Master, It is so good to see you! Just like old times, HA-HA!” said the Oath of Suicide Paladin “We shall smite this evil together!”

It was hard to see or understand from where I was standing but I think I saw his master smirk not in a good way. The thing is the way the room was set it was like a chess board and they were on the Rift Demons side. Not cool.

Now Luther is hyperventilating, I think he also knows one of the 3. He’s also talking to what looks like a throne – Something, something… My brother, bla bla bla… – People should take psychiatric tests before forming a group. This is not healthy.

The Ballasar’s eye changed completely when he stepped out of the corridor. It was like he Tal himself. With fury in his voice he threw a fire bolt at Navarro’s master and yelled “HE WAS THERE, I SAW HIM TORTURING MY ANCESTORS, YOU MURDEROUS BASTARD!” throwing another firebolt. The robe started to burn off and revealed that underneath he was wearing Nearith plate that absorbed the flames. Luther was pissied off by that.

I think no one had noticed the group before the paladin charged and with all the family drama, but now we’re in a pickle and now we have to choose side. The group starts to make a move. Greg steps out and shines his Moonbeam at a group while the warlock fires blasts everywhere but a target. I get up and try to attack one of the demons but it deflects all my blows. I take it as a hint and Misty Step the fuck out next to the barbarian. The Half Orc grunts something about not attacking the armours, they are probably on our side, and I shout “IT’S SECURITY SYSTEM DON’T ATTACK ARMOUR!” as the barbarian furiously fling an axe at one of the demons.

Dorian says a prayer just before hell breaks loose as the creatures and animated armours clashed. We all try our best to move forward shimmying the left side wall that had a clear opening to get to Navarro. It’s hard to make progress but we slowly move in and start killing some demons. The Bard refuses to stick to the group and goes the complete opposite way. SMART. His brilliant strategy almost got him killed by a nasty demon if it wasn’t for his new found shady powers that allowed him to run away towards us later. The warlock was really scared and couldn’t move too close. His spells were depleted and his aim was way off. He nervously started searching his back and found the black potion. That was his only shot. Drank a spell slot back and threw a fireball at the group of demons. One of the massive hulking demons got melted by the heat. We have a chance. I look to my side and Gunnar is shining like a radioactive sack of potatoes.

We continue fighting and the Dragonborn kept firing at the trio. We manage to get another demon down and we notice the one of the Nearith with the staff started humming and pulsating an energy from his staff. Iivan dances in the shadows firing crossbow shots at the demons. The nastiest one with tentacles and a fucked up female face walked towards us after being burned by moonbeam and attacked the group several times with her mind blasts. Especially Greg and Hamlet. They both fainted quite far from each other.

Balasar was getting angrier and took out a bead from his pocket. Navarro was already down but got healed by something. just before he got hit by the Dragonborn’s fury. With murderous eyes he flung the bead at the trio and they were engulfed by flames. It was a good throw but they didn’t seem to mind the fire. Apart from Navarro who fell unconscious again. “I’ll see you again, apprentice” said the master with a grin on his face and holding the Pact. They step closer to the stone monolith and vanish, abandoning Navarro like a sad confused puppy.

Dorian looks around and sees his allies collapsing one by one. He positions himself just in the right spot to ask for Helm’s blessing. Greg and Hamlet are both touched by a soothing energy that wakes them up. We need to stick together!

The paladin stands up, shrugs off his wounds and head back to the fray. As he’s walking in, the living armour with the staff yells “LEAVE NOW” and his staff hums again pulsating energy. The floor starts to shake as the party scramble to the monolith Greg was on the floor at the time and his only choice was to wild shape into Greg, The Horse. That saved Hamlet’s life as he wouldn’t be able to reach the monolith in time.

We all touch the surface and Greg casts a 3rd level spell that gets us out of there.

It feels like free falling but a second later I realised we’re actually being shot up and there’s something blocking our path! – SHIT! – I hit a wooden barricade so hard that it breaks it and shit that hurts. We find ourselves in a strange room with a hole on the floor. The party seems to recognise the place and soon after some Halflings walk in.

“You’re back!”

“Where the hell did you guys come from?”

“THE HOLE? You look awful, we shall bring you food and water!”

“WINE FOR ME. I need a strong beverage” said Navarro.

“Yes, yes! Follow me!”

We head into a different room where they serve us food and drinks. Luther was fuming. He shouts “BALLASAR. YOU AND ME OUTSIDE, NOW!”

They step outside for a private one on one. Lover’s quarrel. Something, something, you killed my ex, now you attack my brother, bla bla bla… Sounds like they are having fun.

“My master saved me” said Navarro lying to himself “we need to find him!”

I approach him and tell him that he need to face the facts, his master is not who he think he is and he was working with the demons, he went rogue. We all saw it and he’s blind because of his expectations. This will be brought to my superiors and we’ll deal with him accordingly. Lucius might have an insight on this.

“GET OUT, YOU’RE LYING! HE SAVED ME! DORIAN, you’re my rock. The voice of reason in this group. Tell them”

“Hmm, I don’t thinks he’s the good guy. Navarro, he might have abandoned the order and Helm’s light is gone. I can feel it”

“Gibberish! Give me some of your dwarven ale. I need something stronger!” Dorian hands out his waterskin with tepid weeks old water “Pfff this is disgusting, more wine!”

Hamlet tried to talk to Navarro but got yelled at, so he walked out with his cat to feed him and think about what happened. Luther and Balasar walk back and the Dragonborn starts to tell one by one why he attacked the master and that Luther and Navarro is losing his mind. I agree. I know the sorcerer killed a party member but I understand that in the heat of the battle some sacrifices are necessary for the survival of the group. I didn’t know the dog but I don’t hold it against Balasar.

We shall join a caravan that will take us to Yocan in the morning. Outside the temple, 3 weeks has passed. I’m looking forward to meeting Lucius again to report. I feel like this is about to get a lot worse.

Opening of the session
The battle ensues
The party push down the left flank to reach Navarro and his trusty steed by the monolith

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